Articles Written By: cdoelle

Houston July Weather Facts


Houston July Weather FactsWelcome to July! National Hot Dog and Ice Cream Month!

Temperatures in July average 94 degrees for the high and 75 degrees for the low.

Houston’s record high for July is 104 degrees set in 1954 and the record low is degrees 45 set in 1983.

The average humidity for Houston in July averages at about 85%.

You can expect an average of 4.63 inches of rain this month.

Fun Fact: The month of July was named after Julius Caesar.

June Home Maintenance Checklist

  • june Home Maintenance ChecklistClean and seal decks. Ideally, you’ll need three consecutive warm, sunny days. On day one, dry out the deck. Apply deck cleaner and scrub the deck on the second day and let it dry 24 hours. On the third day, apply deck sealer.
  • Hire a certified chimney sweep to inspect and clean chimneys. Doing this task now instead of the fall allows plenty of time for repairs before the next heating season. It’s also easier to schedule a sweep.
  • Wash the exterior of your house, using ordinary garden hose pressure and a mild detergent. Beware of the pressure washers – they are powerful enough to force water under the siding where it may encourage mildew and rot.
  • Caulk exterior joints around window and doors.
  • Clean lint from the entire clothes dryer vent system, from the dryer to the exterior vent cap.
  • Inspect and repair or repaint all patio and deck furniture.
  • Check operation of attic fans and roof-mounted turbine vents.

Houston June Weather Facts


Houston June Weather Facts

Welcome to June! Maybe take your Father fishing month?

Temperatures in June average 91 degrees for the high and 74 degrees for the low.

Houston’s record high for June is 101 degrees set in 1998 and the record low is degrees 56 set in 1984.

The average humidity for Houston in June averages at about 75%.

You can expect an average of 6.8 inches of rain this month.

Fun Fact: The first attempt at a motion picture was made on June 15, 1878, to see if all 4 of a horse’s hooves left the ground while it was running.

May Home Maintenance Checklist

  • devon-inventories-exeterClean gutters. Inspect gutters to ensure all spikes, straps and clips are tightly fastened. Use a garden hose to flush debris from downspouts. Make sure downspouts or splashbacks direct water at least three feet away from the foundation.
  • Wash windows, inside and out, using a solution made from three tablespoons of non-sudsy ammonia to 1 gallon of water. Don’t work in the direct sun – the solution will dry too fast and streak. To clean windows with real (not removable) grills, use a hacksaw to
    cut a squeegee so it fits the windowpanes exactly.
  • Have central air-conditioning unit checked according to the recommendations of the unit’s manufacturer. Replace the filter in the forced-air system. Clean debris from condenser or heat pump located outside.
  • Remove mineral deposits from faucet aerators and shower heads by soaking parts in
    white vinegar and scrubbing with an old toothbrush.
  • Have swimming pools cleaned. Inspect and service pool liners and filters.
  • Shop for seasonal sales on air-conditioning units and window fans.
  • Dust ceiling fan blades.
  • Set thermostats and automatic sprinkler system to adjust for weather changes
  • Before placing metal patio furniture outdoors, coat it with auto polish.

Houston May Weather Facts



maycalendarbannerWelcome to May! Don’t forget to get your mother something special for Mother’s Day this month!

Temperatures in May average 86 degrees for the high and 68 degrees for the low.

Houston’s record high for May is 98 degrees set in 1949 and the record low is degrees 44 set in 1978.

The average humidity for Houston in May averages at about 75%.

You can expect an average of 5.11 inches of rain this month.

Fun Fact: On May 24, 1607, the first permanent English settlement in America was established in Jamestown, VA.