Simple ways to save money on your summer cooling bill:
You can save money by setting your thermostat a few degrees higher during the warmer months. Basically, if you normally set it at 72 try setting it at 74 in the summer months. This small adjustment could save you up to 10% percent on your cooling bill.
Go out, enjoy the warm weather by visiting a park, the beach or just relaxing in your back yard. When you come back into the house after being outside you won’t notice that the thermostat is set a few degrees higher.
Change that filter! You should change your air filters every 30 days and schedule a yearly AC unit maintenance call.
During extra sunny days, you should close all of your blinds/shades. Especially on days when your not home or away on vacation. This will help reduce the temperature in your home. If you don’t have blinds, use a sheet to cover the window.
If you have a garage encourage everyone to enter and exit through the garage door as it will reduce the amount of hot air entering the house directly from outdoors. If you have kids like I do who are constantly coming in and going out, put a limit on how many times they can go out and come back in.
If you have ceiling fans, use them, a lot! Make sure they are turning in the right direction though. Turn the fan on and stand below it, if you can feel the breeze, your in business.
Just remember if you have family pets inside your home that anything over 76 is not suitable for them.