fall-maintenance-for-your-acGetting your home ready for fall and winter takes a bit of preparation.You should get your AC ready to rest for a whole season. This maintenance can be simple or a bit more tedious depending on the type of AC you have. You should always call a professional if you have any concerns about your AC.

Portable AC

The simplest of these is the portable AC, all you need to do to get it ready is remove it, clean it, and store it until you need it again. Cleaning it is as simple as dusting it off and checking the filters!

Centralized System

For a centralized system you will need to change out the filters and inspect the entire system to make sure it is clean. Having a professional do this cleaning can really help keep your home healthy throughout the winter season. For best results you should clean out your system twice a year and also replace the filters twice a year.

Outdoor Units

If your unit is outdoors it may require a bit more maintenance. Start by turning it off, this will make sure it does not kick back on when the temperature rises. Next take a hose and rinse all the debris off the unit. Let it completely dry. You also need to take care of the pipes. Cover exposed pipes with foam to keep them from freezing. You can keep foam pipe covers in place with duct tape. Good, the pipes are covered and the unit is clean you should now cover the unit itself. You can purchase a plastic or vinyl cover for the unit. You want it to be waterproof and designed to cover an AC unit. Make sure the cover is secured to the unit, you can use bungee cords or rope to help with this.

You may think that you are finished with the maintenance now but actually you still need to check up on the unit throughout the season. Make sure there are not more debris on the unit and that the cover is still secure.

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