hurricane seasonYou’ve prepared, and now the hurricane is closing in. You’ve decided to ride out the storm at home. Here’s some ideas to help you stay safe.

  • Prepare and mark clean containers for water storage. There should be a minimum of 1 gallon per person per day for 7 days.
  • Check your disaster-supplies kit again. Do you know where the manual can opener is?
  • Recharge to full capacity all electronics and then unplug them.
  • Offer your home to family, friends, and neighbors who may live in a vulnerable area or house.
  • Stay inside away from windows.
  • Stay tuned to radio and TV. Wait for the “all-clear” announcement. Remember, after the calm “eye” passes over, there is more storm to come.
  • Keep small pets in carriers. They will be more comfortable and are ready to transport quickly if necessary.
  • Turn your refrigerator and freezer temperature controls to their lowest settings.
  • Put bicycle helmets on the children.
  • Close all interior doors to limit flying debris



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