There is plenty you can do to keep your a/c unit clean and working properly longer including keeping an eye on the parts of your unit that are outside of your home. air conditioning, a/cThe compressor/condenser unit is usually located outside in your back or side yard area. In most cases it should be about 2 feet away from your home’s foundation. A great way to keep this part of your a/c unit healthy is to keep it free from obstructions.

Many people do not realize how easy it is for these units to be compromised by weeds, grass and debris. Make sure that you check it out at least every two weeks to see if there are any obstructions to do away with. For the best performance try to keep a 2 foot radius of clear space around the compressor, and also trim back trees or bushes that overhang.

Another thing to pay attention to is the duct system that is in your attic and crawl space, this is where a lot of heat can build up throughout the day. Try to get a good look at the areas you can at least 2 times each year to see if there is any tearing in the insulation or seals. Ensuring that these ducts are insulated well will keep the air traveling through them much cooler. Also, looking for any leaks in these ducts can help you save money and not waste cool air in spaces where it is not needed.

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